The Peace Camp Committee

The Peace Camp Committee is the governing body of Peace Camp.

We are tasked with the activities that ensure Peace Camp is run well and delivers the outcomes for which it has been created.  As with our regular family program, the Peace Camp Committee leverages our core values to guide us to achieve our shared vision and mission.


  • Respect. A realization that we share the same true nature and that all people are fundamentally good.
  • Compassion. A deep practice of humility and support of others with a realistic hopefulness.
  • Awareness. An effort to be mindful and fully present in each moment.
  • Acceptance. A belief that difficulty and struggle are essential ingredients to developing equanimity, ease, and patience.
  • Inclusiveness. Working together to create a space that nurtures open discussion and values all guidelines (precepts)
  • Integrity. An embodiment of honesty and fairness.
  • Authenticity. A modeling of our true nature as honed through our practice.
  • Curiosity. An attitude that supports deep questioning and enthusiastically encourages “don’t know mind”

Committee members are active members of Zen Buddhist family of temples from various levels of the clergy, dharma student, the society Sangha, and past or present Peace Camp participants who have taken on responsibilities beyond that of a usual camper. The Peace Camp Committee actively recruits membership from our Zen Buddhist Temple of Compassionate Wisdom clergy pool, our Zen Family Program leadership, from the greater society’s Sangha, and from active and contributing Peace Camp campers.


Gagbul, Vanessa Sly Thoburn
Haju Sunim, Linda Lundquist
Hayeon, Kelli Conlin
Ilch’a, Carole Kokola
Ilja, Chris Kral
Ilnyun, Hunter Ellis
Konghae, Debra Markovitz
Karima Robinson
Kusun, Ztasie Bradley
Magamok, Mike Umbriac
Maum, Gloria Cox
Patha, August Nilssen
Payoga, Nikki Flores
Polly Gibbins
Nojak, Bill Solomonson
Saram, Cara Talaska
Steve Fishman
Tana, Thom Vacca
Theresa Lesperance
Wonch’O, Laura Rowe

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